Saturday, March 8, 2014


The Christian Science church sits across Central Avenue from
the Naples Public Library.


  1. I like more the architecture of the library...

  2. One feeds the mind, the other the soul? Or does it matter?!

  3. Both are beautiful structures.

  4. I love the look of that library building.

  5. I'll take the library!! Beautiful building and they are always among my favorite places!!

  6. I guess the warm bricks of the library are more appealing than the white stucco.

  7. The library gets the most votes. It is so well done. Who was the architect? Did you already take us inside?
    i looked up other Collier Co. libraries... some nice old and new ones there. Wanna take us on a tour in your spare time? :D
    With so much e-ntertainment and even a good selection of e-audio books downloadabe directly onto my iPad, I seem to go to the library for art shows and music concerts only these days. I do miss it though.
    As you may recall, the CS church in PV is quite beautiful. Seems I never posted any pics of it. I did take some at twighlight a few yrs back, but they did not do it justice. On a related note, a High school friend of my husband, who was a Christian Sci. died in his late 50's of a large tumor on his neck that he didn't take care of in time. Sad.

  8. I just love those palm trees. None here north of Toronto. ;)

  9. Happy to say we have some of that blue sky here today. Interesting lines on the church and the library columns look great. No litter...wonderful!
