Friday, December 27, 2013


International visitors to the United States frequently remark about how often Americans
display the flag.  These houses are on Raymond Road in West Hartford.
I liked the white houses and the snow on a sunny day.

The January theme for City Daily Photo bloggers is "Photo of the Year."


  1. I have said it before and I'll say it again. Americans are the most patriotic people I have ever met. Seeing flags displayed like this is a common sight in the USA.

  2. I have an idea for a photo set next year. The American flag seen in Sweden. I see it everywhere. Nice patriotic Winter scene here.

  3. Was this a special day? We often display our flag but our neighbors do not, even on days like the 4th of July. I love the idea of a line of flags along a street such as this photo.

  4. It's true that Americans really do display their flag! Americans are way more OPENLY patriotic than Canadians...but that doesn't mean Canadians don't love their country. ;)

  5. @Kate, this was just an ordinary day in December. I think flag-flying has always occurred, but the shock of September 11, 2001, increased the numbers tremendously and it has not fallen off.

  6. Flying a flag does not patriotic portend. But it must make people think they're doing something worthwhile....

    Love the photo; like a postcard!

  7. What a great shot! Love your composition -- as always! Yes, we do see lots of flags here in the US, but it takes more than flying a flag to truly support your country! Hope you have a great weekend and "whoopin' good" New Years, Jack!!

  8. Nice touch of colour on this white on white lovely photo.

  9. It is a beautiful sight! Probably you still have something to be proud of, here we don't...

  10. I've always found it unusual to see so many flags everywhere all the time in the States, Jack! They look great in this pic!

  11. Yes, I usually do.

    Lovely with the snow!

  12. This is such a nice shot! The scene is lovely. I'm fine with seeing the flag flown; I wish many of our patriots showed proper respect and understood flag etiquette. We've got neighbors who fly flags 24/7 in all kinds of weather. It's disrespectful to fly it at night (without a spotlight) and in high winds, among other things. Never thought I'd become a stickler on this, but if one loves the flag it deserves to be honored, too.

  13. I like the white house/flag contrast. Nice shot!

  14. Lovely shot - and a source of wonder for us in France.
    I love the idea of uniting around common values but I still don't get this whole flag thing.

  15. With that bit of snow they look very festive...

  16. yep. its very weird to us... :) here you see that only on special occasions, i think its not even allowed to display the flag at other times...

  17. Lovely shot - red, white and blue. The NI peace talks have just foundered over flags; it seems strange to me that people take them so seriously.
