Tuesday, October 22, 2013


On my trip through the lower Hudson River valley last month, 
I visited President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's home and Presidential Library in Hyde Park.  

There were many busts of FDR.  Which do you like best?


  1. He was the right man, in the right place, at the right time. That's just my opinion.

  2. PS: I forgot to mention.. you have to come to Campobello Island, Canada to see his summer home.

  3. That must have been an interesting visit! I remember when he died and the great sorrow felt by so many people.

    Sounds your first golf outing was rather special. I haven't had a hole-in-one for over 10 years. Very discouraging! But I've had 4!

  4. I love FDR's monument in DC. Thanks Jack!

  5. Love that last one!:) We're heading over there soon and haven't seen FDR library/home in a few years - looking forward to it!

  6. I like the one in the third photo the best. That must have been an interesting visit.

  7. He was a pretty amazing man! Great captures! I really like them all, but of course, with my screwball sense of humor, I like the last one -- great smile to start my day! Hope your week is going well, Jack!!

  8. I like all of them, but not equally well. Enjoy the same one Sharon mentioned, the top close-up is very strong, and the bottom photo amuses me!

  9. the first one, but the last is very funny!
    did you goto roosevelt island in new york? there is a nice one of him as well!! (the first pic reminds me of it)

  10. I do love a man with a sense of humour, so the last is the one for me :)

  11. FDR was able to put a happy, bright face to some very dark days, so the last bust is iconic. The others are more true to life. He was a great leader, but we often forget that he had organized political opposition in this country.

  12. I like the sequence of your super shots. The last photo made me smile but that top shot is the winner for me.

  13. I like the 3rd one I think, Jack!

  14. I'm terrible: I like the last one because it makes me smile just before drying my hair and going to bed...

  15. FDR as Pharoah strikes my interest, Jack!

    I've been down in New York state on frequent occasions, but never to Hyde Park. Campobello, on the other hand, I've seen once. Definitely a side of the FDR story worth seeing.

    A great president. Just the right man for the job.

  16. I'll bet that was interesting... Eleanor was such a wonderful first lady...

  17. I'm a great fan of MRS Roosevelt!I have several books about her and by her.She's an icon to my eyes!

  18. Like Malyss, I'm also huge fan of Mrs. Roosevelt! :)
    *** last image is funny!

  19. The last one is unusual and funny!
