Saturday, June 8, 2013

Wethersfield Farmers Market

Cindy sells yarns and crafts made from Alpaca wool.  Sometimes she brings an alpaca to the market.

I bought a dianthus and a salvia for two holes in my garden that needed some perennial color.

This I passed by, but I have a friend who is a weekly visitor.

David has been making marmalades for three years and selling them at farmers markets like the one in Wethersfield.  I bought a jar of orange marmalade.

Every Thursday evening in the summer, a farmers market is held next to the historic Solomon Welles house in Wethersfield Cove.  Food.  Crafts.  Plants.  Entertainment.  Fun.


  1. Your photo of the cupcake van reminds me that a friend of ours recently posted on her Facebook page that she was watching Sesame Street with her 4 year old daughter and after seeing Cookie Monster her daughter asked why they don't have a Cupcake Monster. We adults never thought of that.

  2. Looks great. You can pick up some lovely things at such markets. I like the alpaca stall. As you know, alpacas were key to Saltaire's prosperity. But the wool was imported from Peru - Salt should have grown his own!

  3. Always wondered about marmalades. Mom swore by them. I just turned up my nose.

  4. i would be a regular here for sure.

  5. I think I would have bought a bit of everything...

  6. I love markets like this and, like Ciel, I probably would try to buy a little of everything!! My blog problems have defeated me and I'm giving it up, but I will continue to visit. Hope you have a great weekend, Jack.

  7. You have reminded me, I need to get to the Farmer's Market this morning. I'm all out of chile cheese bread. It looks there is a lot of hand crafted things at this market. Excellent for shopping.

  8. Two new plants and a jar of marmalade sounds like a treasure to bring home after a trip to the market Jack. That's how I like to shop :)

  9. Reminds me of our farmer's market.

  10. I love farmers markets, you can buy the best and fresh.

  11. Add pleasure, great meetings, gentle smiles..
    Not sure I believe you for the 3rd pic.. :o)

  12. I am not sure what an alpaca is, but I would really enjoy some of David's orange marmalade!

  13. I need to get to the market for some maple syrup!

  14. Looks like a number of creative craft people were there. Good for them.

  15. What a great little market Jack .... I would have bought a jar of that orange-marmalade.

  16. Hmmmm... would you share the orange marmalade? :)
    God bless you!

  17. I remember I bought an alpaca sweater the minute I got to the Andes in Peru. It was freezing! :-) Sill have it and it looks new - I seldom wear it here, not cold enough.

  18. Enjoyed your collection of market photos...everyone looks happy!

  19. I"d love some wool to knit a scarf. Pick me up a couple skeins J.

  20. I would have enjoyed shopping here!:)

  21. I am yet to try a cupcake, but I will have some of that marmalade.
