Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sweet Chilli

Sweet Chilli is a good little Thai restaurant on Park Road in West Hartford.

The recent series on Colt's weapons made some viewers uncomfortable.  The posts highlighted an important part of Connecticut economic history.  The state is home to many highly trained machinists and metal workers, who began with things like the cotton gin (Eli Whitney), moved on to things like pistols and rifles (Colt) and went on to current day products like aircraft engines (Pratt & Whitney), hand tools (Stanley), helicopters (Sikorsky and Kaman), nuclear submarines (Electric Boat) and a wide variety of other sophisticated products.  Whether you are for or against gun control, it is a topic that is in the news and Connecticut has become a big player in the debate.


  1. Thai food is such a wonderful addition to the American cuisine scene, and I am forever grateful for the diversity we all now enjoy in the restaurants that have sprung up around the country. Nice presentation of the food!

  2. I LOVE Thai food and this looks delicious!

  3. It is hard to get away from the problems of the day, but I did enjoy your series on Colt's weapons because it's not so much the problem with guns as it is a problem with the people that misuse them -- not sure how to ban them! We seem to have more problems controlling the idiots than the guns.

  4. I admire you for your decision to run this series Jack. I didn't see it as taking sides, but just featuring part of your state's history as you pointed out.

  5. The food looks fabulous, Jack!

  6. I did like the series, Jack. Very informative.

    I've never tried Thai food, in fact...

  7. Ah! sweet chilli .... I'd certainly pay them a visit if I lived nearby. I didn't feel uncomfortable about the gun series Jack but I guess a bit out of my depth. I don't know a thing about guns and we don't have the controversy here re the gun issues so I don't have an opinion one way or the other.
    Needless to say they tell a story and are part of each modern day society. I still dropped over to take a look.

  8. That looks delish. And somebody has quite a knack for carrot art.

  9. Hmm this food looks delicious and I love your pictures!

  10. Well, you are right; one cannot ignore history just because it makes one feel uncomfortable.

    The religious right in this country is working hard to rewrite our early history because they don't like what really happened. It gets pretty funny except they have been able to peddle some of their crap to the public schools. Just what we need - more ignorance!

  11. Sure, I feel most uncomfortable about the gun photos...especially with my Quaker background. Yet, I passed the Ithaca Gun factory every day when I taught at the Highschool there. I've felt uncomfortable before and will again no doubt...

    Thai food I feel VERY comfortable with - and will again I hope!
    Lovely colorful photo!

  12. Beautifully photographed food shot Jack, if it tasted even half as good as it looks.yum!
