Thursday, April 25, 2013

Out of the Jurisdiction: Antwerp

The painter Peter Paul Rubens was a native of Antwerp.  In the nearby Cathedral of Our Lady, two Rubens triptychs are featured.

Did I do something with Photoshop to turn the sky white?  No.  It was a VERY cold and overcast day earlier in April.  In fact, it was a very cold and overcast week.  Somewhere I heard that the temperatures were lower at that time of year than they had been in 160 years.  No wonder the Netherlands and Belgium had no tulips.


  1. Hmmm :( so sorry for the bad weather when you were here!
    Anyway you got a beautiful composition, wonderful shot!Today here we have sunshine and nice temperature about 16 Celsius (I guess it's 60.8 Fahrenheit).
    I wish you beautiful sunshine in Venice!Anyway don't panic, because the first day we arrived there it was raining cats and dogs! And then, like magic, the sunshine was smiling for us! :) Take lots of pictures!

  2. What a fancy waist-jacket Jack I'd like one like that .... I love Rubens art-works.

  3. Still a striking photo even with the "whiteout." Seems we are having "global cooling" spells this spring!

  4. There's no global cooling here in Perth RR, hotter than ever this summer.. Nice perspective here Jack and yes I've had white out skies before also, can make a dramatic reverse silhouette like here.

  5. We have this kind of sky just now!

  6. I like the way you took the picture! Yes , we had a bad spring in Europe, and if you want to know , it's still going on..

  7. Winter lasted way longer than usual in Europe this year.

  8. Great capture! I always love your composition, Jack! Lots of those white skies in many places this past winter! Hope there will be more blue ones for spring! Have a great weekend!

  9. Fabulous composition, Jack! Isn't Antwerp lovely?!

  10. Great pic, Jack. Even if you were freezing!

  11. Yes the sky looks like a vanilla milkshake. This is one of those odd perspectives..the sculpture seems to be making a statement about the time.

  12. Wonderful shot; the statue and the cathedral are both very distinctive!

  13. I remember that same sky here. And this brings back fond memories of Antwerp.

  14. This is a really nice composition, Jack - white sky or no! Actually, I think the white sky is perfect!

  15. Are you on holiday? Hope you are having fun despite the weather

  16. Fine composition here. Looks like you had a n interesting time in Europe.

  17. sooooo sad you missed the tulips!!
    time to visit kay in sequim! :)
