Friday, March 29, 2013

Out of the Jurisdiction: Good Friday

In August of 2011, I visited the Los Angeles County Museum of Art without my camera.  But, I did have my iPhone.  This limestone carving of the crucifixion is from Metz, France, around 1400 - 1450.  
The processional cross below is from Spain in the mid-16th century.  It is silver over a wood core.  Both are from the William Randolph Hearst collection.
I will be away for a week or so.  But, I have scheduled posts every day, so please visit.


  1. Both are humbling and magnificent! Happy Easter!

  2. Amazing details, especially when considering its age.

  3. Very nice carving. I ofter wonder about the provenance of art works like this.

  4. I am embarrassed to share this with you and your readers Jack, but I was in LA about a year ago and we planned to visit this museum but went shopping instead! I did get my host to stop and let me take some photos outside. To redeem myself, I promise to put this museum at the tip top of my to do list for my next visit.

    Nice iPhone work. Both are lovely and meaningful pieces for this day.

  5. Those iPhones come in handy sometimes! Great shots. I really like that ornate silver cross.

  6. That's a long way from France and Spain to LA for such works!

  7. Beautiful capture for the day, Jack! Enjoy your weekend, Happy Easter!

  8. Nice surprise !
    Happy Easter Jack !

  9. The best camera is the one you have on you! Your iPhone takes great snaps, most of mine look pretty, well, iPhone-ish. Safe travels!

  10. You did a fine job with the iphone Jack! Perfect post for the day.

  11. Oh wow. Just incredibly beautiful, like so many things of the past... Wonderful Good Friday post!

  12. Well done that man! iPhone to the rescue....marvelous shots. Lovely for today.

  13. That is amazing and so beautiful.
