Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Daytripping: Sol Lewitt VI

This great lady saw me taking photos and struck a funny pose, not thinking that I would be quick enough to catch her.

Lewitt thought the idea of the art was important, not necessarily the execution.  So, he wrote instructions for other artists to execute.  Here are two examples of the instructions.


  1. Looks like you are on a neat 'adventure'. LOVE VI.

  2. She is so kind and looks very happy!
    Great shot!

  3. The portrait of this funny LAdy touches me much more than Lewitt's work.

  4. Did you catch her name as well?

  5. Cracks me up when people do that. They never expect you're actually going to take their photo (or where it might end up). Unfortunately, I doubt Lewitt's instructions are going to improve my minimal drawing abilities.

  6. bet you were a gun-slinger in the old west in another lifetime.

  7. I'm surprised you haven't mentioned that I got to work on the Sol Lewitt exhibition at Loomis! Our instructions were very similar to the wall drawing 797 you photographed.

    We used sharpie markers and covered a massive wall - took forever!! I'll have a look to see if I have any pictures of the final result...

  8. Great Capture, Jack! I love the Museum pics- what a cool place. I'll have to ask my sister about it- she is Curator of Art at the nearby Springfield Museums. Maybe I can visit her and go check it out.

  9. Great capture. She looks like what my grandmother used to call a hot sh*t!

  10. I think the art has put this lady in a festive mood. Wouldn't it be fun to follow Sol's instructions.

  11. I could look at the art you've been sharing all day!

  12. Love her smile!
    And what a neat idea to leave instructions on how to create art. I like this guy! :)

  13. I think I agree with Brattcat, bet you were a gun-slinger in another life!! The lady has a lovely smile! Those instructions are pretty cool, too! What a great idea!! I'm really enjoying your tour of the Sol Lewitt, Jack, thanks for sharing!! Hope your week is going well!

  14. She looks like she's enjoying the show and life!

  15. I am definitely very stupid re. the instructions. :-)

    Lol, I wonder what she'll make of your pic should she visit HDP!

    Re. Parisians and snow: we only get a few days of snow a year or none at all so yes, we aren't used to it. Who is going to buy expensive winter tyres for 3 days a year?

  16. I'm sure she brightened up your day Jack. Instructions on the wall!! I like that.

  17. I think Lewitt's "thought" is pretty obvious considering his "art." :)

  18. Well, again, the concept is only communicated to a viewer through the execution. I like contemporary art, but Conceptualists like Lewitt revel in the obscure and the trivial.

  19. Ah she didn't realise how quick on the draw you were Jack, I've never been good with instructions :)

  20. There's a lot of personality in her face!
