Sunday, January 13, 2013

Security Guard

While waiting at the admission desk at the New Britain Museum of American Art, I kept looking out of the corner of my eye at the security guard stationed near the entrance to the gallery space.  There was something about him.  He . . . didn't . . . move.

Security Guard is a 2006 sculpture by Marc Sijan.  When I saw that name, I remembered that I had posted a photograph of some of Sijan's super-realistic works at a Florida outdoor art show about two years ago.  Here is a link.  (The black and white stripes are a 2005 work by Sol Lewitt, whose works you have seen here multiple times before.)


  1. That's cool. Haha.

    The wall is very nice too. :)

  2. That is what's known as a rent-a-cop! I don't know what to say about the gray thing that is the wall. But I know what that cop is thinking: "Hit the road, Jack!"

  3. Gosh Marc is good, even when you pull it in real close its hard to tell he's not for he had you fooled for a minute did he Jack, thats funny!

  4. he really has captured the look of a typical security guard. remarkable.

  5. Is that George Costanza?
    Costanza, Costanza can't stands ya!

  6. haha! That's funny , and great art at the same time! Good way for museums to save money , but not good for employment among security guards! :o)

  7. That's great! Like the composition on this, Jack. It's almost as though you were trying to shoot a wide shot of the security guard without him noticing you.

  8. This beats a fake hidden security camera as art.

  9. I surprised that Dave didn't mention that there is a security guard very much like this one in the lobby of the building he and Julie work in. These sculptures are so very realistic.

  10. Wow!! That's pretty amazing! I thought he was a real guard! Great one for the day, Jack!

  11. haha, thats funny.
    but real security guards are often very interesting too. too bad they almost never like to be photographed... :D

  12. Great fun Jack! And I always like to see Sol Lewitt's work too!

  13. Maybe he's trying to blend in.

  14. Ha! Very effective! I bet you behaved even when you realized he wasn't real, right?

  15. That little platform he's on is the only - and slightest - tipoff. Even then it's still mighty compelling.

  16. Oh and I was getting all envious of our bravery Jack.

  17. Museum security guards have a tough job, standing passively, looking at the same stuff hour after hour, occasionally springing into mild action to tell children not to get so close or people like me that no photos are allowed. It would make me crazy.

  18. I'm sure your site has evolved but the constant is your wry humor and observant eye!

  19. Very cool! I guess he's placed on the right spot. :-)
