Saturday, January 26, 2013

Art Cinema

Art Cinema shows movies that are . . . how do I say this? . . . not art.

At least that is what I hear.


  1. LOL :)

    *By the way, I love your header with snow, it's beautiful!

  2. Oh, I'm sure there are some people who would argue that's art.

  3. Hmm! Years ago on "girls night out" we erroneously entered a local theatre that actually showed good art films with the mistaken idea that the current film was a foreign movie we would like. We stumbled out shortly after the film began. Ugh!

  4. I've heard of these "art" cinemas before. I even brought a paint brush and an easel but they still wouldn't let me in.

    So, what did you do? Get a tattoo?

  5. It is not a good sign when the theater is smaller than the tattoo parlor next door.

    Maybe this is a type of art district, with tattoo art next to the cinema.

  6. I was about to say every city has one but, I can't think of one here. There used to be one in Scottsdale years ago but it is long closed. Hmmm....maybe that was too much information.

  7. Ah, here there are only shops selling DVDs, not a theatre itself. The only one I can recall is in Toronto, assuming it's even there.

    Too much information?

  8. Guess every city has a few of these! No, definitely not art!! Have a great weekend, Jack!

  9. We had the beautiful Cinema Olympia (1911) that went into porn after the revolution (1974) and almost became an icon of Lisbon. LOL! It's closed since 2001 and, sadly, it must be falling apart. I believe 'Art' Cinemas can be found only in sexshops now. :-)

  10. There is still one in Toronto although the building has been for sale forever. I'm not sure if it is still open - will have to go by and check.

  11. Funny to see that the advertising for the cinema is much smaller than the one for tatoos...Culture is less important than appearances.

  12. Gimme a title. Debbie Does Dallas?

  13. Don't think I have been to a theatre like this one. What did I miss?

  14. They say art is in the eye of the beholder Jack!!

  15. You are ever the diplomat, Jack!
