Sunday, November 4, 2012

Municipal Building at Night

Hartford's City Hall is officially known as the Municipal Building.  For a long time, the building we know today as the Old State House served as Hartford's city hall.  This building became the seat of city government when it opened in 1915. 

Images are more interesting with people in them, so I asked this man to walk in front of my tripod to provide a person-blur.


  1. The most interesting aspect for me is the wonderful door.

  2. A very elegant entrance Jack..I had the opposite for my post tomorrow, way too many people!

  3. Yes, definitely the person makes the shot more interesting but, even without him, it was a wonderful night shot anyway. The building is gorgeous!

  4. Great. I don't think I could ever ask anyone to walk by for me...

  5. This works... the hustle and bustle of scurrying home after a packed day.

  6. The man walking through the shot definitely adds something to the shot. Nice one!

  7. I totally agree with you, including people in the photos gives them a totally different air. Have a good week.

  8. I spend most of my time in a building like this, but I like this picture very much...

  9. Love the color and composition of this photo. The blurred man is a perfect contract. Good choice.
    Thank you for the comment on my blog on my pink post. Took me a while to find just the right pairing to go with that pink truck.

  10. Great shot as always, Jack, and the person hurrying by is the perfect touch! I really like the night shot and that door is wonderful!!

  11. Nicely done! I love the ornate door and the carving on top.

  12. The door is impressive, with or without someone in front of it.

    I like your yesterday's portrait. Albie seems so gentle and looks like a character from Disney (That's a compliment! )

  13. Each to his own, but I'd have asked him to either stand still, or leave! :D

    Great looking building.

  14. Nice of that man to oblige! I like those doors.

  15. Lovely details on the building. I like people in shots too but sometimes worry that I have invaded their privacy by posting them.

  16. I love digital night photography. But you can't fool me about the blur. I know for a fact that's the ghost of Halloweens past!

  17. Gorgeous night capture! I've asked people to pose, but would be too shy to ask them to walk through a photo for me...

    (Yes, we were lucky to be inland of that hurricane!)

  18. LOVE this shot Jack... the low light and motion are wonderful!

  19. I do like the blur of a person in the shot.

  20. I love the colours and textures. I also love that you have engaged with people to create the image.

  21. Oooh, City Hall! Looks like a really nice building. Are you sure that really was a person...not the Spirit of City Council Meetings Past swooshing by around Halloween?

  22. vancouverstreetblog.blogspot.caNovember 6, 2012 at 12:07 PM

    Love this photo.

  23. Great building bathed in a eautiful light!
    The entrance is magnificient!
