Saturday, October 13, 2012

Out of the Jurisdiction: Santa Barbara

I was in Santa Barbara, California, last week.  The beautiful County Courthouse was built in 1926 - 1929 and is one of Santa Barbara's most visited sites.  Just below the observation deck of the Clock Tower is a small clock museum and mural visible behind glass walls. 

The tower holds a massive 1929 Seth Thomas clock built in Connecticut.  And, the new "History of Time" mural portrays key events and people in the history of clock-making.  Portrayed prominently -- on the right wall, on either side of the clock face with Roman numerals -- are noted Connecticut clockmakers Eli Terry and Seth Thomas.  The tale of the Santa Barbara museum and mural is told here.

Connecticut played a leading role in the history of clocks and watches in America.  This winter I will post some photos taken at the clock museum in Bristol, Connecticut.


  1. I don't even own a watch, but clocks fascinate me and are very important for the history of navigation.

  2. I am very struck by how interesting and visual they can make history these days. This looks most attractive. I can't imagine life without clocks. I'm a terrible clock-watcher!

  3. To think I have been to Santa Barbara many times and missed this amazing spot.

  4. Beautiful mural. I've only gone to the mission here and totally missed this amazing place.

  5. Julie and I toured the Santa Barbara Courthouse years ago. It is indeed a gem. We missed the clock museum and mural, however.

    I hope you will be posting more photos of Santa Barbara. It is a wonderful place. My niece is currently getting her Ph.D. at UCSB in marine biology.

  6. I guess you could say a partial history of Connecticut can be heard in the ticking and tocking.

  7. getting some shots of those big old tower clocks would be cool!

  8. What an interesting place and a great post/photo for the day, Jack! Yep, I can hear the ticking and tocking from here!! I do look forward to your posts regarding the clock museum! Enjoy your weekend!!

  9. I had no idea the Connecticut was so big in the clock world! Thanks for the link for the extra info.

  10. I never would've guessed that's a courthouse. You sure are making the rounds, Jack!

  11. Hey. out of the jurisdiction is allowed. Never been to Santa Barbara but you make it look worth the visit. History of time? That's ambitious. Did they get a consultation from Stephen Hawking?

  12. It allowed for an unusual POV here.

  13. A Connecticut connection! Love the way you've got us looking down from above. Divine!

  14. Isn't it a grand place?!!
    Love your unusual perspective.
