Monday, October 8, 2012

Columbus Day

Today's Columbus Day holiday celebrates Christopher Columbus' discovery of the New World in 1492.  Those among you with a scrupulous penchant for accuracy will quibble with nearly every word in that sentence, from his name, to whether October 8 has any special meaning to the event, to whether he ever landed on the North American continent, to whether he was the first European to find us.

This fine statue is  in New Haven's Wooster Square.


  1. It is also one of those funny holidays that not everyone takes.

  2. Happy Columbus Day to you. Perhaps you could celebrate the day by eating Italian food? Here in South Dakota we do not celebrate this holiday, instead we have Native American Day, and should probably celebrate by having buffalo, fry bread, and thinking of all the land we stole from the Indians.

  3. Happy Columbus Day, Jack. Just wished Lake Powell Paul a Happy Thanksgiving Day. Just the routine rainy Monday here in England. Terrific sculpture, nicely photographed.

  4. Yes, I was already having a very serious quibble when I read the second sentence! It's Thanksgiving Day today, for those of us above the 49th parallel.
    And no quibble with the statue, a fine work.

  5. Beautiful statue. Da Vinci was inventing things at the same time in history. Would have been great if he'd invented the GPS.

  6. Never Jack, I believe every word you tel us!

  7. Ah, I didn't know there was a statue to Columbus in America. He was still a great explorer no matter all the details.

  8. Well, of course, I'm with PerthDaily, Jack, I believe every word!! Anyway, what do the details matter??? We got discovered and this is a terrific statue!!

  9. He existed, explored, and deserves a statue!

  10. Happy Columbus Day, Jack.
    This is the most beautiful sculpture of Columbus I've seen.

  11. Not even sure I believe you that this is a staue of Columbus - looks like Hamlet to me - 'Alas poor Yorick'. ;-)

  12. Nassau, Bahamas, thinks he was there first. My husband tells me the Vikings were here first. ;)

  13. Whew...I'm glad I'm not one of those people to quibble over a holiday even if I don't get to take it.

  14. I'm with the group that challenges the history we were taught. We keep finding information that shows history was a little different to the current version.

  15. Well, I guess I'm a spoiler. He existed, he explored, he does not deserve a statue.

  16. A fine statue. Bravo for wading into the weeds, Jack!

  17. I'm so glad I didn't come here to quibble, Jack. This is a handsome statue of whoever he is to commemorate whatever he did or didn't do. ;)
