Thursday, August 16, 2012

Butter and Sugar Corn

Locally grown butter-and-sugar corn is available at farm stands and stores now.  When I see it, I have to stop.  (OK, when I see fresh apple or cherry or strawberry rhubarb pies, I have to stop for them, too . . . you got a problem with that?)

Kyla works at the little family-owned Anderson Farms stand on the Wethersfield Green.  I talked Kyla into letting me take her picture, but Haley ran away.


  1. I've not heard of "butter-and-sugar" corn. In the midwest, we just called it sweet corn. Hope you carry toothpicks with you.

    Who is Haley?

  2. I hope their corn crop has not been damaged by the drought that has afflicted so much of the crops in the Midwest.

  3. That portrait of Kyla is the very image of "Americana" - I love it!

  4. A very nice portrait! I love corn but can only get the supermarket variety here, for what I know...

  5. Anderson's corn is the best!

  6. There's a lot of green in that photo, and I especially admire the corn...not to take away from lovely Kyla!

  7. Fruit and veggies bought from the side of the road are usually the best. Glad you got this lovely model to show off the corn too! :)

  8. mmmmmmmm I'm still waiting on our corn up in the garden. Coming soon to a table near me.

  9. I don't think I've ever heard of butter and sugar corn but corn of any kind would make me stop. I think shoe-peg corn might be my favorite but it's all good!

  10. I do love corn! I've never heard of butter and sugar corn before, but I'm certain it's delicious!! Great market, delicious corn and a beautiful model and all in one shot!! Nope, don't have a problem with the variety of pies! After all, a talented man like you, Jack, needs his supply of sweets!!

  11. Pretty face. Are you cooking dinner for your blogging buddies?

  12. An other beautiful smile to add to your collection! I'm wondering what you say to get such smiles from pretty women?... :o)

  13. I've been eating fresh corn for a couple of weeks and loving it!

  14. A very nice portrait, Jack! I love corn too.

  15. Nope no problem, especially not with the cherries

  16. She looks as wholesome and glowing as a Kansas corn farm girl (which is to say, my wife). Nice use of the light.

  17. Sweet girl. sweet corn. Love it.

  18. She looks sun kissed... and the corn and pies, well it's a siren's song to me too!

  19. Now what could sound better than butter and sugar corn? Somebody thought of a mouth-watering description. I've never seen it; sounds great! And stands with fresh pies? Oh, my! Suddenly tonight's watermelon sounds, uh, too virtuous.

  20. I have no problem with that at all Jack, in fact as far as the fresh 'fruit' pies go, I would gladly join you!!

  21. she looks cute!
    i dont really like corn, i guess that makes me a weirdo... :)
