Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Old North Cemetery

The Old North Cemetery is on the National Register of Historic Places.  I don't think it has been visited by a lawnmower all year.  If the flowers were in a meadow, it would be nice, but in an urban cemetery?  What a mess.

I am linking this post to Julie's blog, Traphophile Tragics, where the ghoulish among you can see posts about graveyards and other similar graven subjectss!!!


  1. You did a beautiful composition.I love the yellow flowers, they gave a peaceful feeling, not sad, but touch of colors to this place.

  2. Those wild flowers suggest a union with Mother Nature! The headstones seem to stand tall and proud among them!

  3. I wonder if anybody visits any of the grave sites anymore.

  4. Nothing goulish here. I find it very inviting.

  5. The flowers give a colorful touch. Good shot!

  6. Welcome to our meme, Jack.

    I very much like the look of this cemetery. We have some over here which are fairly similar. They are a blessed relief to all those other cemeteries which are manicured to within an inch of their life!

    The plots, from what I can see here, appear to be rather higgedly-piggedly, which has its own attraction, too.

    I am guessing that in the winter this is all covered with snow.

  7. There is a certain beauty all its own. Mother Nature takes over and all is right with the world.

  8. I think the question is whether the vegetation covers up gravestones so some of them are not visible.

  9. I think it is pretty too, but then I love yellow. It is a little sad that the graves seem to be neglected.

  10. These old cemeteries are interesting to explore.

  11. I like the colorful flowers, but I do hate to see graveyards neglected like this! Sad, particularly for an urban cemetery. Great shot for the day as always, Jack!


  12. It's all in the eye of the beholder. I love the field of yellow. And I'm impressed that you could get down there to snap it!

  13. I too actually like the overgrown mess!

  14. oooh, i actually like such "neglected" cemeteries! by now i have seen so many of them. together with the old stones, i think its really beautiful, and i enjoy wandering around such places (just my legs sometimes hurt from all the weeds and whatnot)

  15. It seems that everyone likes it. It looks pretty in the shot but I'm not sure I'd be amused if I had relatives in there. Is it neglect or meant to be 'green'?

  16. Cemeteries are so different in your country and mine.. But i must say that I like to see wild flowers among the stones, I'm not shocked, it says that life goes on, anyway..

  17. Nice angle on the shot Jack. A wild flower meadow like this is quite the thing in country churchyards in the UK. Saves on labour costs and gives the insects and birds somewhere to go now gardens are covered in decking and gravel.

  18. Rather bittersweet. Beautiful with the flowers, but also sad that no one seems to care.

  19. First time I've seen one this overgrown.

  20. An almost perfect shot of an interesting cemetery. I obviously like the flowers in foreground.

  21. I like the idea of a meadow in a cemetery. At least while the flowers are in bloom.

  22. I think the flowers add to the picture.

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  23. on a practical note, it will be harder to mow the grass when it gets too long and wild.
    but, on an artistic note, I rather like the look!
