Sunday, June 24, 2012

University of Saint Joseph

Earlier this month, I reported that Saint Joseph College was becoming a university.  Several commenters asked to see the new sign.  Here it is, with the photo from the June 7 post shown at the left.  The new sign is a darker blue, the lettering is white instead of gold, the seal is now featured, and Connecticut has been added. 

To my eye, the design of the sign is stronger and it is more sophisticated.

I was also asked what the difference between a college and a university is.  I have seen different explanations.  A common explanation is that universities are generally larger, have a broader academic program, and often have several different colleges, such as liberal arts, sciences, engineering and medicine.

The President of the University of Saint Joseph explains it here.


  1. I agree with you, it looks much stronger!

  2. Universities seem to have more swagger than colleges. Both signs are nice. The rule of the road, so to speak, for billboards is the content should be legible and one can read the whole sign in about 3 seconds. Apply that to the new sign and the eye will focus on the University of Saint Joseph and everything else is secondary.

  3. The little college is all grown up!

  4. Thank you very much for the explanation. I really like the new sign: it is elegant and strong at the same time!

  5. It's my understanding also, Jack, that Universities are able to offer advanced degrees. There is also a dfference in how academics define the schools in the US vs European institutions. Those signs are distinctively different.

  6. They have probably added Connecticut to distinguish it from the St. Joseph's University that is in Philadelphia.

  7. Nice shade, all that's missing is a blanket and a good book.

  8. This is thorough research work!

  9. The sign looks great and what a lovely looking campus! Hope you've had a great weekend, Jack!


  10. What a very classy new sign. :)

    Happy Sunday,

  11. I like them both but the new one functions better I think.

  12. Nice comparative shots and the new one is better.

  13. I like the new sign, too, but I like the old one better - much more New England to my eye. But I appreciate the update. We had the same thing happen here with Saint Leo College now Saint Leo University. I always love them because their logo is the same as my beloved St. Louis Cardinals!

  14. I guess universities also have coats-of-arms. The new sign definitely shows they're on the up and up! :)
