Monday, June 25, 2012

Free Golf Clubs

Where I live, the town picks up trash on Monday mornings.  So, trash barrels go out on Sunday night.  If we have something useful that we don't need, we put it on the curb early on Sunday.  Nine times out of ten, it will be gone before Monday morning.  Topless scavengers on bicycles aren't common, but this one got a set of golf clubs.  (Not my clubs.)

This image is a bit blurred because I was riding a bicycle when I took the photo.  Amateurs should not try this!


  1. He is already exercising himself on the way to play golf!
    Cool picture!

  2. Maybe he was on his way home from playing golf

  3. I love flea markets and Goodwill stores but never have had the nerve to go thru other people's trash, even if labeled "free." Although I have put out many if my own unwanted items at the curb, and it's always gone within an hour. I think that some folks know the trash haulers schedule and make the rounds themselves. I myself prefer to donate to Goodwill, tho, and I do it whenever I can. Sometimes I'm tempted to remove reusable items from other people's curbsite and take it to Goodwill myself. I admire the work that that agency does.

  4. When you said topless scavengers I imagined something different...

  5. Well done! It's a great capture!
    Hope the man will find a small trailer to hook on his bike!
    Thanks for sharing, Jack;o)
    Have a fabulous week****

  6. Drive-by shots are always fraught with some danger - but on a bicycle?! A fearless photo blogger you are, Jack!

  7. People do this in my city too. I guess the old adage is still true... one man's junk is another (topless) man's treasure!

  8. A set of golf clubs seems like a good thing to scavenge!

  9. You don't see many topless scavengers in Seattle -- too chilly!!! But you do see plenty of clothed ones, particularly these days!! Great shot from a bicycle, Jack! What a multi-talented guy you are!! Hope your week is off to a great start!


  10. Playing the back nine, I guess.

  11. You should get danger pay for this one!

  12. Taking pictures while riding a bike?!...Jack !!\o/

  13. Ride a bike and take pictures? Wow, Jack! You were not photographed? I would like to see a photo.

  14. ha ha, riding and taking photos, Jack you are incredible photographer.

  15. Shooting and biking, your the MAN!

  16. A little upcycling in action...pun intended.

  17. Good thing he didn't know you were behind taking a photo Jack, he already looks a little wobbly with his treasure on board!!

  18. Hope those clubs weren't thrown out as a result of a domestic dispute! I guess the scavenger won't mind either way.

  19. Drive-by shooting of a new sort - gosh you're brave!
