Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Marcelle and Joe

Marcelle and Joe were sitting in the shade of the gazebo, happy to strike up a conversation with a passing photographer.  Joe is a retired physics professor at the University of Connecticut.  Marcelle taught ceramics to blind students.  They will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this summer.


  1. You do meet some wonderful folk on your walkabouts Jack. They may be retired, but there is still very much a twinkle in the eyes of both, well captured!

  2. I like their smile, and I agree with Grace, they have something sweet in their eyes! that probably comes from something sweet in their hearts..

  3. A great pair! Their long marriage apparently suits them well, and I'd bet they have wonderful stories to relate!! You did a wonderful job of capturing their personalities.

  4. What a lovely couple. :) Isn't it fun to learn about the stories of those we meet.

  5. interesting that you've given them each their own portrait. they have maintained their individuality through the 50 years...and yet i can see the cloth of her dress/shirt so close to his shoulder. they are not far apart, in fact i would guess they were touching, even if you've given them separate portraits.

  6. The both look justifiably happy and content. Maybe it is the day in the park. Maybe it is their worthwhile careers. Maybe it is each other.

  7. Wow, congratulations to Marcelle and Joe!

  8. Great post Jack. Lovely portraits.

  9. I agree with Brattcat, I like that you've given them separate pictures as they do indeed seem to have maintained their own individuality! Congratulations to them! Love those smiles! And congratulations to you, Jack, for another set of terrific shots! I do love your "people studies"! Have a wonderful day, hope it is drier there than it is here today!!!


  10. I love your portraits so much!

  11. People usually have an interesting background when you least expect it. Nice portraits, Jack!

  12. I'd like to know these people. And that is the mark of a good portrait, Jack.

  13. Jack these are lovely portraits. You must be pleased.

  14. A happy and interesting couple. I suspect you stayed awhile and had a chat.

  15. Wow! Hats off to both of them. They must make a good team. :)

  16. I always enjoying meeting people that have been married so long. I lived next to a couple that had been married for 66 years when they moved to an assisted living home. They were the nicest couple I'd ever met and the stories they told were so warming. Great portraits!

  17. Happy anniversary, maybe a bit too early...
