Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Another Tom

My Ohio State friends will be aghast to know that I live next to a Michigan man.  Apart from that flaw, Tom is a pretty good guy.

Tom is also one of the neighbors who ups the ante on maintaining a meticulous lawn and garden.  But, how lucky am I that in every direction I turn I see an attractive and well-tended yard?


  1. How does Tom feel about your close proximity? Your well-tended neighborhood makes outdoor life so happy and serene, doesn't it?

  2. I envy you for your neighbors!

  3. Ohio and Michigan guys in Connecticut - at least you don't have to miss basketball there!

  4. My parents attended and met at the University of Michigan, so I have been exposed to a lifetime of Michigan lore.

  5. that view sounds pretty great, especially this time of year when there is so much to admire.

  6. You'll have to get some shots of his lawn so we can judge for ourselves. :)
    It's good to have nice, friendly neighbors. I wouldn't worry too much about him being a Michigan fan.

  7. I have some friends in Michigan, too. ;)

    Lois <- who lives on the South Coast of Ohio

  8. Tom looks like a pretty darn good neighbor.

  9. Definitely my choice for a neighbor, regardless of where he's from! Must be like a Texas neighbor in Oklahoma -- or vice versa!! But a smiling one with a well-tended lawn as well is definitely a plus!! Enjoy your day, Jack!


  10. 'Aghast' you say Jack! Tom is from Michigan and proud of it by the look of his tee shirt haha!

  11. I'm always amazed at the attention college sports get in the U.S. Glad his yard is a nice one!

  12. How great.... you have an extended garden maintained and cared for by Tom. You get the view Jack without the hard work and for that he can be forgiven for being a Michigan man.

  13. Michigan is such a wonderful state to see. Neighbors with meticulous lawns lift the bar for the rest of us, but that keeps the neighborhood values high too.

  14. I take it Michigan men are somewhat different to those in your neighbourhood.

  15. Nice to see the neighbors! Hello Tom!
