Sunday, May 27, 2012

I Got Peonies!

Aren't these pretty?  Each flower is bigger than a grapefruit.  I don't have a macro lens, so I shot these with my camera's macro setting and that worked well enough for me.


  1. Exquisite peonies Jack ... in the prettiest soft colours.

  2. They are beautiful. My favourite flower.

  3. peonies do not have shyness issues. when they blossom they let the world know.

  4. What! No ants? I agree that peonies burst forth, leaving a trail of smiles and happiness among viewers.

  5. That makes two of us without a macro lens and I think you did a superb job with what you had! Peonies are my absolute favs.

  6. They're beautiful!! Are they hard to grow?? I love the shade of pink of the third one. So delicate. :)

    PS: You don't have to follow my other blog, I just thought you might be interested in the art. I was inspired by your series on the different art galleries/museums in Hartford. So I was thinking of you when I took those! :)

  7. The white one is my favorite!They are beautiful flowers!

  8. As Lowell might say..."Sure hope dogs don't 'pee on these' " hahaha SMILE!

  9. I've become a rose gardener by default, as they do better than any other flowers in my backyard garden. Peonies, of course, are in the rose family.

    Nice shots. Mine have not yet open. They so far only reveal the tight fists, with the hint of the promise of very pink blooms. Can't wait.

  10. They are lovely flowers, aren't they? I've been planting allsorts of things today in the hope that the pigeons won't be spoilsports...

  11. These are so beautiful, Jack! Terrific captures! I don't have a macro lens either, just use my macro setting, too, and it's worked well enough for me, too. I do love the colors! Hope your weekend is going well!


  12. It is a long time I do not see and photograph nice flowers like these...

  13. Beautiful! The middle image is of flowers the same as the very old peonies I have here. They are so wonderful and smell fantastic. Our peonies are past prime here now. It's such fun to see more of them blooming further North. :)

  14. Peonies don't open here for another couple weeks. Is this a case of global warming? Beautiful photos. I've always loved these flowers.

  15. Beautiful shots! They are just starting to open here so you have given me a taste of what's to come.

  16. Mine "exploded" on Friday, so I have to get out there and tie the stems up today - a trick I learned from the volunteers at Elizabeth Park.

  17. Bigger than a grapefruit--vivid comparison, Jack. Thanks!

  18. J'adore these beautifully romantic looking blooms Jack, you've captured them well, the soft pink is divine..I definitely must try to grow them this spring.

  19. p.s. I really do love having Aimee here Jack, Dave is living in Sydney now, so I appreciate every moment she is still here AND that she fits me into her busy schedule so often.

  20. Thy look like botanical explosions.

    Hey, nobody needs a macro lens. Look up Kenko extension tubes on Amazon or B&H. They work.

  21. Very pretty and I very much like the aroma. (I think I can smell them.) Mine aren't out yet. ;)

  22. These are gorgeous! I like the variety you have shared.

  23. These are beautiful. I've got a nicely established peony in my yard, but peony blooms seem to summon spring storms around here and they are de-petaled almost as soon as they bloom so we have to enjoy them while they last.
