Thursday, May 10, 2012

Derek the Plumber

Derek has been my plumber for 30+ years.  Can you dial your plumber without looking up the phone number?  860-232- . . .  That is what happens when you have lived in the same old house for three decades.

I ran into Derek on a dreary day in West Hartford Center.  Derek had successful cataract surgery in October and he has lost 60 pounds since November.  He is feeling and looking great.  At 68, he has no intention of retiring and he still plays hockey once a week.  One of the other players is 79, so Derek says he has at least 11 more years to play!


  1. No way! It's Derek the Plumber!! Tell him I say hi!!
    (When's Viesa going on the blog?) :)

  2. plumbing can be very hard on a body. derek is really doing well.

  3. Well done Derek! He's looking fantastic for 68 yrs ... and still playing hockey plus working full time that's an inspiration!

  4. Derek is a happy man! Looks great, too!

  5. Great post Jack! Wonderful portrait!

  6. What a beautiful smile! Great portrait.

  7. Derek does indeed look like a happy man as well he should -- he's in great shape and he's active! Terrific! Great shot for the day, Jack! Reminds me to be thankful that I'm still as active as I am at my age and I've got eleven years on him!! Have a great day!


  8. I have my plumber on call, lucky me. But I do not know his number by heart. That's a good thing, right?

  9. Thought for a moment you'd had a plumbing emergency while you were away. Glad you simply bumped into Derek. He doesn't look his age.

  10. I don't know the plumber well but I sure know our furnace man!!

  11. Was he really that happy to see you snapping his photo??? Looks like a cheery guy. More power to him!

  12. Nice, happy looking plumber, with cell phones who needs to remember phone numbers.

  13. I don't have a regular plumber. But Derek sounds like a cool guy. May we all play hockey (or a sport of your choice) into our late 70s!!

  14. Derek looks like a fun guy. And now he's fit as a fiddle. Nice portrait.

  15. Tell Derek to call me . I need to know his weight loss secret!

    PS GREAT portrait Jack.

  16. This is a great picture of Derek! You tell him to come down south my way and I have a load of work for him! No good plumbers in Smalltownland!

  17. He looks like a very happy guy. :))

  18. Derek could you cross the pond please? I need a plumber right now and there are no more good plumbers here.

  19. Wow Derek must love his job Jack, no one could look that good at 68 if they were miserable in their work!! I've had the same plumber for many years also, can't remember his no, offhand though, mind you I can't remember my own mobile no. haha!
