Monday, April 16, 2012

New Books

You have seen the Hartford Public Library many times before, but I don't think I have shown you the  inside of the Noah Webster Memorial Library (i.e., the main public library in West Hartford Center).

Did you notice how smoothly I transitioned from yesterday's "reading" post to today's library picture? 


  1. To continue your transition from yesterday, this man is probably thinking that he is glad he has already done his taxes so he can take the time to select and read a book.

  2. Love David's comment and reminder to you re. taxes. I'd prefer reading books than trying to outwit the government!

  3. You are a smooth one. It seems as though more "new books" are needed. Who said "Of the making of books there is no end." Whoever, I agree!

  4. A very nice transition indeed! I could use a new book to read.

  5. I think there should be a lot more new books... there is still much free space... I like the B&W choice.

  6. Oh, yes! A great transition indeed! A great time to get lost in a book!! Thanks for the smile to start my day! Hope yours is a good one, Jack! Enjoy!


  7. Yes, great transition! Libraries are wonderful places, aren't they! We travel a great deal and are able to "borrow" books from our home library via the Internet now. It's great when we are floating around out at sea.

  8. Hmmm I need to catch up with your previous post!I like this picture, and your idea for b&w!

  9. I think it looks great in black and white!

  10. it's good to see actual concrete books on shelves!

  11. Clever indeed, and I love this B$W photo!

  12. Brilliant segue, Jack. Interesting option to go with B & W. I like it in the library setting. I'm now the proud owner of a Nook. Being an old school sort of person, I didn't think I'd like it, but I love, love, love it. What's especially nice is that I can "check out" books from the public library without ever having to go there.

  13. Relax, taxes aren't due until tomorrow. Hartford remits taxes to the Massachusetts office, and today is Patriots Day holiday in MA, so we get an extra day.

    Lest anyone get the wrong impression, there is no paucity of supply or demand at the library. The New Books shelf is easily the favourite section, and the shelf gets picked clean many, many times a day. As it's been for more than 50 years.

  14. You led us right into this topic quite well!

  15. Jack ... You are the master of transition. I'm a book lover but would you believe I do most of mt reading on my iPad ... Never thought I would say that!!

  16. Nice to see a shelf with real books on it.

  17. Love the fairly low contrast in B&W. It looks like a newspaper photo from the 50s or 60s.

  18. There's a bookstore in San Francisco called "A Clean Well-Lighted Place for Books." Seems to me this would be a good title for this library room. Assuming it needed a title.

  19. Jack, this image could be in a vintage issue of Life magazine--that's exactly what I thought when I first looked at it.

  20. I like it in b/w too.
    And I love libraries and bookshops.
    Yes, I have too many books!!
