Monday, March 19, 2012

A Pew End Finial

The Chapel has elaborately carved pew and kneeler ends.  I will ease you into it by just showing one pew end finial up close. 

The donor of this pew end carving was a marine insurance company.  The finial shows a policyholder and agent shaking hands over the insurance policy they just signed.  (This is Hartford, the Insurance Capital of the world, after all . . . )

J. Gregory Wiggins of Pomfret, Connecticut, designed and carved 66 out of the 78 pew and kneeler ends between 1932 and his death in 1956.  The last dozen were designed by the chairman of the Trinity art department (John C. E. Taylor) and carved by Erwin Dressel.


  1. So perfect miniature, a special detail in this Chapel, very elaborated!
    I like so much the angle in this picture, wonderful shot Jack, congratulations!

  2. I think I'd be tempted to spend a good deal of time in there, examining each pew.

  3. Very nice. I don't think I've ever seen such before. I know that people often had their "own" pews which they basically bought and paid for, but this is new.

  4. I hope that when an insured needs coverage for a claim, they bring the insurance company claims representative to look at that engraving in church, and then discuss the claim.

  5. Thank you for the explanation, it was very useful to understand this very nice finial!

  6. Pretty amazing how far-reaching one of the area's main industries is. Who would think - insurance represented in church art?!

  7. I've never seen anything quite like this. Very nice touch.

  8. Beautifully carved finial, and I love the story that goes with it. Thanks for posting it. Will we see more of these?

  9. Wonderful. Can anyone sit in the pews or are they reserved?

  10. I've never seen anything quite like this! Terrific carvings and a great story as well and a marvelous capture as always! Hope you have a great week, Jack!


  11. A neat way to work the city's history into the chapel. What fantastic detailed work. :)

  12. I would never have guessed. Perhaps because I thought London was insurance capital of the world! It is beautiful. I hope you are going to show other ones.

  13. Fascinating! I love this detail so much!

  14. French writer Flaubert used to say that "God is in details"..So must have thought those fabulous designers and carvers..

  15. That's most unusual; how good to have the world of work brought into church and in such an exquisite way. That doesn't happen much these days in my experience.

  16. Love the details and the warm feel you get from your shot, Jack.

  17. A wonderful finial Jack ... Only in Hartford !! Great macro shot.

  18. By ease, I gather we will be seeing more (hooray). Such a unique finial in a chapel of all places. Captured so well Jack!

  19. This kind of art really beats a commemorative plaque any day.

  20. Beautifully shown detail Jack, interesting story too, that's one of the fun things about blogging, the things you find out yeh!

  21. This is just fantastic! And so is the bison on the next post. Thanks to you I've learned a new word today: pew! :-)

  22. That is amazing work for a pew end. Wow.

  23. Very interesting. I never would have guessed the scene depicted was handshake following an insurance deal.
