Friday, March 23, 2012

Mather Pew End

The pew end topped with this finial was given to Trinity College by the Church Club of Cleveland at the time of its 60th anniversary, to honor William Mather.  He was a Trinity graduate, a leading citizen of Cleveland and a founder of the club.  The carving shows Mather reading from one of the many volumes filled with the writings of his Mather forebearers.  (They were biggies in the Puritan times . . . you can check out Richard Mather, Increase Mather and Cotton Mather.)

Mather once said that his ancestors were the kind of people who, on arriving in this country, "fell upon their knees and then upon the aborigines."  I wish I came up with that line . . .


  1. Another amazing wood carvings. Yes, they certainly were biggies...don't know how much I appreciate the quote, tho.

  2. Wow, this Chapel is full with wonderful wood carvings! Thank you Jack for showing these.

  3. i wouldn't mind sitting in william mather's pew.

  4. This is a truly amazing chapel. Please do not stop showing us more!

    I have a question, do only firemen sit in the firemen pews, soldiers and sailors in their pew and the Mather's...

  5. These carving are simply incredible, Jack! Thank you so much for sharing this chapel with us! And, as for the quote, I love it! Unfortunately, it's also true! Gotta hand it to the Mathers!! Enjoy your weekend!


  6. Beautiful carving. Interesting post. I'm actually a descendent of Timothy of Richard's 5 sons. I checked out the link on Richard. I found it somewhat amusing that 4 of the boys were sent to Harvard to continue studies, but Timothy was apprenticed out as a farmer.

  7. The way you composed this I thought it was next to the pulpit.

    Now the question is, would you rather read Richard, Increase or Cotton Mather? Or would you rather not read any Mather for that matter? At this late day, I don't think it matters at all which Mather you'd rather read.

  8. Keep these carvings coming Jack! I love them.

  9. This is so unique, would never expect to see it in a church!
    God bless you!

  10. These are really getting better and better. But I think the fire and brimstone is my fave so far. :)

  11. The carvings in this church are just amazing Jack and not only the pew finials. I often think i would have liked to live in times gone by, but in all honesty I think it would have been way too hard!

  12. What an unusual little carving to find. Hoping to get to our Trinity College again soon to see the carvings by Grinling Gibbons. Have a good weekend.

  13. I know about the Mathers because a character in some book I read when I was much younger bore this name...

  14. I remember learning about the Mathers in history class. Interesting quote.
