Thursday, March 15, 2012

Derelict Building

The City of Hartford finally bought the empty Capitol West building in late 2011 after years of community pressure.  It should be taken down some time this year.


  1. I like the angle in this picture and the wonderful blue sky!


  2. I guess no one has been taking care of this building for a while so it's a good thing it's coming down.

  3. it will be interesting to see what goes in in its place.

  4. Yes, I love the angle, too, and your choice of subject. Could have been a totally different story without the damage.

  5. Reach for the sky .... It will be nice if they replace it with something more pleasing to the eyes .... If that is possible in a city?

  6. Looks really neglected, but the photo is super!

  7. Next year this will be a historic photo!

  8. Hope they don't put up a parking garage. :(

  9. I agree, it does look neglected, but what a terrific capture! I will be interested in seeing what takes its place! Enjoy your day, Jack!


  10. Looks like the tree branches are encased within the clouds. That image brings a bit of softness to the rigidity of the lines of the building.

  11. Such a large building to be sitting empty!

  12. It is always interesting to see what comes after...

  13. Excellent perspective rising up into the blue sky. Am I just being totally unimaginative, where is the angel, believe me I've pulled the shot in and searched every it the clouds and I'm a pleb and can't see it haha! You'll have to come back at some point and show us what they've replaced this building with Jack.

  14. The off kilter angle emphasizes the abandonment of the building. Nicely done. Perhaps this eye sore will be replaced by something other than a parking lot.

  15. It looks like it may be trying o come down on its own.

    Yes I am an pro artist but not a painter!

  16. I can imagine a building like this could be a big problem for a city...what will take its place?

  17. I am curious also about what will take it''s place

  18. Nicely photographed with the point of interest with the eyes |" "| and the face |"_"| of the window repair job. No great loss - I really have to wonder what the architect was thinking when he designed this type of structure. I see lots of similar kind in LA basin. I hope they can recycle the bricks and windows and lots of other building material (BUT only if it's less costly than throwing it away).
    PS - I added a photo of the 787 and "my plane" to yesterday's post.

  19. That is in sad shape. So, what will replace it?

  20. Great point of view. An eyesore without question. Maybe the city will raze it, then put out an invitation to negotiate for a hotel with retail space on the first level. Or maybe not.

  21. Looks to me like you were very brave to stand so close.
