Wednesday, January 11, 2012

XL Center

The XL Center -- formerly the "Hartford Civic Center" -- is in the middle of downtown Hartford.  The columns in the space outside the arena are wrapped in sports photos, including this photo of Diana Taurasi.  Taurasi led the UConn women's basketball team to three consecutive national championships (2002 - 2004).  When the coach was asked why he thought Connecticut would win, he answered "We have Diana and they don't."


  1. She was their 'secret weapon' hey Jack, just not so secret!! How nice it must be to be so super fit and top in your game, although a lot of pressure too I bet.

    If you think Kalamunda sounds interesting Jack, we used to live in a suburb called Innaloo, which was originally Njookenboora meaning swamp in Aboriginal talk but was considered too hard to pronounce (no really!!)..and that's just the tip of the iceberg haha!

  2. Great place! She is clearly of Italian ancestry, but I think it is spelled 'Taurasi'.

  3. Love your first shot Jack. It is a great portrait of an action shot describing Diana.

  4. And now, we say something similar here in Phoenix. She is the star of the Phoenix Mercury's.

  5. A beautiful homage for this talented girl!
    Great pictures!

  6. A talented young woman indeed and great shots for the day as always, Jack! I like the columns wrapped in sports photos! Hope you have a great day!


  7. Good to recognize the athletes that way especially a female college athlete!

  8. This place is great with these photos!

  9. Why is it called the XL center? Does that stand for something?

  10. XL is a big global insurance company. It has a big presence in Hartford.

  11. XL is extra large and would naturally have a big presence. Not as big as XXL but big.

    This could have been titled "The Power of One." Sometimes, for good or ill, one person makes a huge difference in this world.

  12. She must be an amazing athlete Jack - I must Google her!

  13. He he he! At first I thought you had taken a photo of the real lady playing!
    Thanks for sharing, Jack;o)

    Hope you are having a happy week****

    ps: the building with the beautiful curtain of Christmas lights is the Pinocchio bar opposite St Epvre church in Nancy;o)

  14. Nice to see a secret weapon as a woman.

  15. Nice to see some recognition of the female species.

  16. Thanks Jack. You seem to have a lot of insurance companies there!

  17. She must be a pretty special, strong, and talented player.

  18. Saw UCONN vs IU game here a few years back. IU nipped them. We GOT nosebleeds.
