Thursday, January 12, 2012

XL Center and Hartford 21

The Hartford 21 mixed used apartment building can be seen through the XL Center's skylight. 

Hartford 21 is the tallest apartment building between Boston and New York.  Like many cities, Hartford is trying to entice more residents to live in the city center.


  1. You picked a great sky to frame in the skylight.

  2. The second photo is terrific! I do love it!

  3. The idea of moving back to the center of the city works for many cities. Here, where we live, the people live out in the smaller towns and commute to and from work or drive. The cities can never seem to reduce the crime rates around here so nobody goes downtown anymore. It is not the place to be and to live there is apparently like taking your own life.

  4. Great pctures! My favorite kind of modern architecture!

  5. That skylight/dome is pretty dazzling! I always like patterns and this is a delight in forms.

  6. I love these skylight shots and I like that Hartford 21 building. I think I would enjoy and apartment with a view. When I was working in St. Louis and Chicago I had great apartments with views in both cities.

  7. Excellent shots both, what a great idea to shoot up through the glass skylight. I'm not sure if I could go back to apartment living, I'd miss my garden too much.
    No cruises to Kalamunda Jack, it's in the hills!!

  8. What an amazing building and I do love that last shot and your perspective! Perfect place to view beautiful skies! Hope you have a great day, Jack!


  9. Great shot! But I would not like to live in such a tall building. In my town, never more than 10 floors authorised.

  10. I like that second shot, although it is making me a bit dizzy!

  11. I love your second shot through the skylight too! Our downtown is overrun with condo towers - more under construction than anywhere else in N America.

  12. Looks like a great building. Love that skylight!

  13. Wonderful shot of the clouds through the windows!

  14. More and more people are leaving the city centres here... I do like this architecture!

  15. I would love to live in the mid town area of KC. I just cannot downsize that much :) Love the angle of both these shots.

  16. Wonderful skylight! Bet the stars look great at night.

  17. What a wonderful shot of the skylight!

  18. Impressive! The second shot is terrific, Jack !!

  19. A very good post, Jack, but that third photo is stupendous!

    About Picnik, it is an online editing site. I found out about it through a link at Flickr where I keep my photos. Yes, I'm having fun!
