Thursday, February 16, 2012

Time Machine Hobby

A surprising number of train fans commented yesterday. 
The train installations at Time Machine Hobby in Manchester are huge and -- if you get low enough to block out the other stuff in the rooms and if you ignore the layers of dust -- quite lifelike.


  1. This "little" hobby is, from what I understand, a large amount of fun, and also takes huge amounts of money and time! And space!

  2. Missed blogging yesterday but viewed your photos this morning. Had to laugh; definitely grown men LOVE these shops. In St. Paul, we have a HUGE display, a hobby of men who have had train sets as kids and who now participate in this hobby which gives pleasure to young and old alike. Fun to visit and see this remarkable train display.

  3. Ahhh...this brings back some childhood memories.

  4. Nicely done Jack, you would deffo think you were in an train yard. I like doing that when I go to the zoo, try and create a shot that looks like the animal is in the wild. I think I might like to play with the trains too Jack, are women allowed!!

  5. You had me fooled for a second. I thought you had tried the fake tilt-shift thing.

  6. Moms love them too! I don't know what the appeal is of scenes like that. Maybe the ability to achieve perfection of a world similar to ours. Excellent shooting there Jack.
    Just last night I was looking at photos from 2005 from Palm Dessert where the dessert museum (garden/zoo) has an outdoor set-up with Mesa Verde and Mt Rushmore and lots of trains. We spent hours just looking at that display. I think it's time to go back there. A man on the hill overlooking LA has his own personal train world. We somehow got invited ther when Ian was in 2nd grade. So fun. We have 2 nice sets (one is a beauty Santa Fe passenger) gathering dust in the closet - so Lowell- we've spent the lots of money, but didn't buy the space to go with it.

  7. Boys never tire of playing with trains

  8. A friend retired and then turned his whole basement into a train setting. It's great fun to see it working. Nice shots Jack.

  9. These little trains are for many people much more than a hobby.

  10. Planes, trains and automobiles are good for the spirit.

  11. Better than spending time watching TV.

  12. I guess these people have a lot of time to work on these things. Really impressive! Love all the details.

  13. One of my childhood delights was the train displays in the windows of stores like Macy's, Bloomingdale's and F.A.O. Schwarz. There is a model train club that meets a couple of times a month in a disused passenger rail station in my neighborhood. Maybe I should stop in and ask if I can take some pictures. Wonderful subject.
