Wednesday, August 3, 2011

West Hill Drive

West Hill Drive was developed in the 1920s on the site of Commodore Vanderbilt's estate.  It is a small loop road off Farmington Avenue, the main east-west street in West Hartford, with perhaps 20 handsome houses.


  1. Very handsome indeed! B&W is an excellent choice.

  2. Wow that is rather a splendid home Jack, will we see a few more from this street? The 1920's was such an 'elegant' era don't you think. I can just see me doing the Charleston at a party in this house haha!

  3. My mother used to always say that early American/colonial style furniture never goes out of style. The same could be said of architecture. The exterior architectural features of this house could have been built 5, 10, 50, 100, or 200 or more years ago.

    Nice photo with the angled perspective, flower pot foreground and monochrome.

    Julie and I recently learned that taking photos on B & W in the camera utilizes more shades of light, gray and dark than taking the photo in color and switching it to B & W in the computer. So we have started taking photos on B & W in the camera when we anticipate that the photo might look good that way. I don't know if you did that with your photo, but thought I would pass along this tip we were told by a professional photographer on our recent Yosemite trip.

  4. Awesome maison!I like so much this b&w picture!I think it's an elegant neighborhood.
    *** I love the detail of the "vase"in your shot, very well captured!

  5. Very classy area - I would love to live in that estate!

  6. That's my DREAM house! If only they could move it to EAGAN?!! Would it fit on a semi-trailer? And I could upgrade it with wi-fi for easy blogging....

  7. Excellent! What a beautiful house!

  8. And I bet it's even nice inside! Nice b&w.

  9. I love seeing these grand old houses and this one is a beauty.
    To answer your question, I'm staying at Newport Coast located between Laguna Beach and and Costa Mesa. We have an ocean view from the patio and lots to do close by.

  10. Today, he and his neighbors would probably be in 'reality TV'.

  11. very stately, i like it in black and white. lovely

  12. Gorgeous house and I, too, really like this one in B&W! Terrific! Hope your week is going well, Jack! Enjoy!


  13. Well yes, black and white is absolutely perfect for the twenties. I'd love to imagine myself living there for a while (before going back to a log cabin... :-))

  14. jack, i forgot to comment about the issues you were having leaving comments on my site. i think it is just blogger gremlins. we have all had this problem from time to time. i write to blogger for help as kate used to have that issue also and blogger says it is fine but we all know we occasionally have these problems and can't leave comments. it is a gremlin perhaps.

  15. That is what I would call a very stately home! And very New England.

  16. It's such a stylish photo, Jack! Love it!

  17. Indeed handsome. Love those front columns and the urn in the corner. Well captured shot.

  18. Love the pot in the foreground, Jack. I bet the grounds are pretty. Regarding The Big, Big, REally Big, HUGE Project: Progress is being made...but, there's much more work to do! It's taking away from my blog time. Ooh, the sacrifices we make for friends!

  19. I think you should have phrased your comment with the words "handsome mansions" rather than "handsome houses." Sheesh!

  20. What a wonderful house, so very chic. Great composition too.
