Thursday, June 2, 2011


West Hartford has two high schools, Hall (blue) for the north side and Conard (red) for the south.  Last week the two girls' lacrosse teams played.  Hall was leading when I left.

I had an earlier post about lacrosse and many commenters said they didn't know anything about it.  It is played like soccer (USA)/football (everywhere else), with a goaltender protecting a goal and the rest of the team passing the ball with a webbed stick.

In this photo a Hall player has the ball and three Conard defenders are trying to get it from her.


  1. You left before the end?!!!!

    I love Lacrosse. I was first introduced to it by the people I visited in CT.

  2. First, lacrosse. Is the sports dept. at HDP demanding equal coverage all of a sudden? I've never watched a lacrosse match, although it looks fun to shoot. I find the one-piece sports dresses the Conard girls are wearing a bit out of place (if anyone is asking).

  3. Great action shot...the red uniforms really do stand out in the photo.

  4. Years ago we moved from Texas to Pennsylvania. In the latter state they played a weird game called lacrosse. We'd never heard of it which isn't surprising 'cause lots of things never get all the way to Texas! But...our eldest daughter became quite good at lacrosse and played for her Jr. High team.

    I was going to say something about your horse farm and decided that it would be wiser to keep quiet! :-)

  5. It's a game completely new for me. Well, I haven't even heard about it - shame on me!

  6. The trouble is that everyone has a big stick and your only protection is some goggles and a tennis skirt?? Good lord!

  7. This is something I'm not familiar with at all. I wonder if any of the schools here have teams. I'll have to check on that.

  8. Great lacrosse photo! Dang - I missed the season up here 'cuz I had conflicts every night they had a home game!

    Great construction theme day photo yesterday, too!

  9. What a terrific action shot, Jack! Love the colors and sense of movement and the feeling of excitement. I'm familiar with lacrosse although I've never been able to see a game. Enjoy your day!


  10. The girls are much less protected than the boys when they play hockey..!

  11. Great action shot! It is such a fast sport and you caught that.

  12. Another sport that is a mystery to me...

  13. They don't look to have much protection - just swimming goggles....!

  14. Did you know that at one time Wayne Gretsky wanted to play Lacrosse instead of hockey? The game was invented by First Nations people (American Indians) in eastern North America. :))

  15. Virginia is funny... My nieces in Philly play lacrosse but we do not see it here in the Deeeep South.

