Friday, April 15, 2011

Weekend Reflections: Tax Deadline

U. S. state and federal tax returns are due on April 15 most years, but this year the deadline has been extended until Monday.  Joe is a CPA and accountant who has prepared our tax returns for five or six years.  Our returns have been filed and the checks have been written for another year.

Don't be fooled by Joe's clean desk.  The floor and his sofa were stacked high with clients' tax files.

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I will be away from April 8 through the 16th, but I have scheduled posts to be shown here during that time. While traveling, I should be able to read any comments you leave on this blog, but I will not have much time to respond to your comments or to leave comments on your blogs.  See you soon!


  1. We're thinking alike, Jack. Nice reflection. And, I believe, Joe is almost (maybe) attempting a thin smile knowing he's near the finish line (or at least the first one).

  2. It's a great picture, the curtain reflection is perfect!

  3. The dreaded deadline! Joe obviously keeps you on schedule, or is it the other way around?!

  4. You just had to remind me.....:-)

  5. Who could have thought to find great reflections in such a place?!!!only you! Thank Joe for his participation!

  6. Yep, only you, Jack, could have found or even looked for a reflection in such a place!! I love it! And do give Joe our thanks and I hope he has an even bigger smile next weekend! Fun post for the day!! Hope you have a great weekend!


  7. So Joe has cheated by cleaning his desk before you took the picture, hu ! Bad, bad Joe... But he can afford to be bad : accountants become our stars when it comes to taxes, aren't they...

  8. Unique choice for a weekend reflection! Points for creativity. I don't envy Joe one bit this time of year!

  9. The dreaded tax season! At least it makes someone happy. :)

  10. Argh! Taxes! Love looking at the reflection. There is so much to see.

  11. This is a fantastic reflection shot and one that I have never seen before. I am so glad you had your camera with you when it suddenly appeared unexpectedly in front of your eyes. GREAT shot.

  12. I cannot imagine being an accountant and dealing with so much paperwork. BLAH!!!

  13. I'll bet he will be happy after Monday comes.

  14. Joe is afloat in a sea of reflections. Working diligently..... what a great capture!

  15. Wow, I wish I had such a clean desk for one hour of my life:)
    Superb reflections!
    have a nice weekend!

  16. I had an accountant uncle. I remember he never had a spare minute during tax season. He died.
