Saturday, April 2, 2011

Out-of-Town Edges

Here is the one I would have shown yesterday if I let myself post an out-of-town picture.  This was taken last September on a hiking trip in Cinque Terre, five rustic towns on the Italian coast.  We had just finished climbing up that steep hillside, starting near the train station way below.  The middle town, Corniglia, is just above me.

The question was asked:  How many steps?  I didn't count my own, but I have read 377, 382 and "almost 400" steps.  Most hikers are too busy trying to breathe to count their steps.


  1. I love how well this fits the edges theme. Great lines and composition!

  2. Great view! We have a boat that reaches the Cinque Terre (literally Five Lands) in a couple of hours...

  3. This also would have been a good choice. Thank you for showing the "runner up."

    We took 16 family and friends to Italy with us about 5 or 6 years ago and we spent several days at Cinque Terra. We made the mistake of buying our wine and other supplies for our happy hour at a little shop right after lunch, before we hiked from the northernmost of the 5 towns to the second town. We did not realize that the trial did not stay along the sea shore, so we got to carry our wine up over the ridges.

    I am sure you had a great trip. Thanks for bringing back memories of Cinque Terra, the birthplace of pesto.

  4. That is so awesome, I would love to have that in my town to walk! What great nature and exercise and it doesn't look like it's overwhelmingly steep all at once, but a gradual incline (so my short fat legs could make it). Very nice shot.

  5. I hope there were some resting spots along the way! What a wonderful view.

  6. That's quite a flight of stairs and it looks like the views along the way would be amazing. As for the radio museum, I believe the two founders were ex-Microsoft employees who cashed out early and diverted their efforts to their hobby.

  7. Looks like the view was worth the effort! Cool edge shot!

  8. Wow, breathtaking. Must be a bit tiring to follow all these steps:)

  9. Hey, you were not very far from me!In that case, i'm not afraid for my breath, but for my knees! they can't do that anymore..:(

  10. That's a beautiful place. I'm glad you made it to the top so you could take the photo. But I knew you would 'cause you're so much younger than I am. I did make it to the top of the Arc d' Triompe in Paree, but damn near died doing it!

  11. Excellent shot. The perspective of all of those steps is fantastic. I've eaten at a restaurant named after this place ("Cinque Terre" in Portland, ME) but I'm jealous that you've been there. Looks absolutely beautiful. I hope you had fun!

  12. Hi Jack, I did not expect to see a photo of Italy here, well done! I hope you had a great holiday.

  13. I hear ya. I climbed to the dome of the Sacre Coeur a year ago Peter, Maya and Janet. It was peer pressure to the max. Peter who was in far better shape than I counted each one as we went. I just gasped for breath.

  14. Ooh, tell me (and show) more, I will be going to the CT in May! The steps looks great, if I can combine exercise and travel, I'm a very happy person (I realize that may sound a bit twisted to some :)

  15. I for sure would have been out of breath!!

  16. I prefer down movement, though not sure if it would help to count the steps.

  17. Looks like a wonderful scenic trip. Looks like several folks have canes, sounds like a good idea.

  18. Lots of edges, lots of steps and really way up high! You must be in good shape!

  19. nice perspective shot, glad I wasn't climbing those, C

  20. Fabulous shot! Love the perspective. I wouldn't have counted them too;o

  21. Now that would be a great workout!

  22. You'll have to go back and do them again and count them. hehe

  23. wow le cinque terre! bellissime, I would like visit these place this spring before summer! great shot in a beautiful place?
    ciao, Luis

  24. It's a terrific shot. Who needs a gym with that facility in town!!

  25. This looks like something conceived by M. Escher... :)
    God bless you!

  26. Sorry to be anon, Jack but I have that problem with embedded comment pages on Blogger.

    Oh, do post out-of-town pics, please! I've not yet been to Italy and I can't get enough of dreaming about it!

    As for the maple candy - you can keep it. I don't like it either. Too sweet and pasty. There is a place way up in VT that sells hard maple candy that is really yummy, though.

