Friday, April 1, 2011

April Theme Day and Weekend Reflections: Edges

The symbol of Travelers Insurance Company is a red umbrella.

The entrance at Travelers' headquarters building in Hartford is a glass portico with red umbrellas hanging from the ceiling and red umbrellas painted on the walls.  It is entered through a glass revolving door.

If a photographer stands in the revolving door and clicks, there are edges and glass panels and red umbrellas and reflected images everywhere.  Life gets pretty confusing . . .

On the first day of each month, the City Daily Photo community celebrates a theme day.  This month the theme is "Edges," not the easiest of themes.   Click here to view thumbnails for all participants

And, because it is Friday, Newtown Area Photo is again hosting its regular Weekend Reflections feature for those who like reflections in their pictures.


  1. This is a very edgy, colorful photo. Revolving doors are confusing on the best of days. Well, it could be my age. But I don't think so. I got hit on the behind trying to get through them when I was young, like you! :-)

  2. Travelers Insurance has a great theme with its red umbrellas. Lots of edges in this post!

  3. Wow. This is a very clever and creative photo. Your photo a few days ago of the roofline of the Children's Theater would also have been a good photo for the "edge" theme.

    Interesting comment you left about your lawyer friends who are heading to Lake Como. Thank you for referring them to our site. I am sure they will love the area. It is impossible not to be captivated by Lake Como.

    (And speaking of Lake Como, as I write this I am looking out of my hotel room window at the Bellagio Casino in Vegas, where I am on a business trip. I would rather be in the real Bellagio in Italy.

  4. A very cool photo which really plays with our eyes - optical illusion!

  5. Amazing shot Jack! Nice job combining Theme Day and Weekend Reflections. I always seem to get hurt in revolving doors though. I guess I'm just not quick enough!

  6. Great shot! It has a certain ethereal mystery to it.

  7. Fantastic and funtastic shot. Thanks for your comment on my blog - glad to have "discoverd" you again. This time I intend to visit more often.

  8. Oh my goodness - what a super clever photo for today. Bravo Jack.

  9. I find this picture sooooo poetic!!like a Magritte's painting! I love it!

  10. Love all those red umbrellas, Jack!! What terrific reflections for the day! You do find some really super ones! Enjoy your weekend!!


  11. This is like a painting by Charles Demuth or Marsden Hartely.

  12. HUUUgh ! Opening one umbrella inside is already bad luck, but this place is going to drown by bad luck with all those umbrellas opened !

    I like the composition of the reflection though, with this threatening cloud just above one of them... Nice catch !

  13. Nice capture. I guess the red umbrella is pretty symbolic for insurance and they use it to advantage.

  14. Une jolie composition cubiste.

  15. I am REALLY impressed you managed to do both today. Excellent photo, actually quite Mary Poppinsish-poetic if that makes sense.

    Your comment on Santa Fe DP the other day about the boots just cracked me up.

  16. You remain "king of reflections"! Nice one - love the umbrellas.

  17. I love your reflections Jack! This one recalls some paintings by Surrealists!

  18. There is so much to see in this shot! Very nice.

  19. Rain - liquide sunshine.

    Please have a good start into the weekend.

    daily athens

  20. Woo hoo a double whammy! Nice one Jack!

  21. Nice way to kick out two theme's in one shot. Great reflections.

  22. very cool image. what wonderful art in the building.

  23. Jack, I always love your weekend reflections, but this is one of my favorites. Absolutely awesome work with the revolving door and multiple umbrellas.

  24. More Magritte than Travelers. Fantastic.

  25. This the best I've seen today... ah the Hartford! I smiled too

  26. A bit chaotic, but fascinating...

  27. Now that's a very cool shot, Jack! Love it.

  28. Not an easy theme is an understatement. I wanted to strangle everyone that voted for it! H A

    Great shot Jack. Hope you didin't get squished!

  29. Nice and funny! Love your shot!
    Thanks for sharing, Jack;o)

    Have a fabulous Sunday****

  30. Very creative, Jack! You made me smile. :)

  31. Great shot, Jack! This is my favorite shot from April's theme day!

  32. I also thought this was one of the more difficult themes. Edges is a pretty abstract concept, but I really like your choice. So much to see here in this shot. Hope your April is off to a good start!
