Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jonathan Edwards

1703 - 1758

Born at East Windsor
Died at Princeton, New Jersey
Pastor and Theologian
Tutored in Yale College
President College of New Jersey
and one of the leaders
in the Great Awakening
the first spontaneous movement
in the religious life
of the American people.

A lot different from yesterday's Pelican Tattoo shot, isn't it?

I am away but have pre-scheduled posts to show you. While traveling, I can read your comments but I will not have much computer access to respond to your comments or to leave my own comments on your blogs.


  1. Beautiful photo, Jack! I love the colours and mood of it.
    Hope you're having a great time:)

  2. I guess they just don't make 'em like they used to. A nice way to remember someone.

  3. He looks to be placed outside the fence of the cemetery! Any reason?

  4. This is not his gravestone. It is an old plaque to honor Jonathan Edwards. His gravestone is elsewhere in the graveyard.

  5. What a lovely plaque to honor this famous gentleman. Enjoy your holiday.

  6. Very nice indeed. Enjoy your vacation!

  7. Oh MY!!!! How I had to WORK to make "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" come alive for my students. Next time tip your hat to Mr. Jonathan Edwards for me!!

  8. Very nice photograph. I won't say anything about Edwards, 'cause he was not a nice man at all, and, in my opinion, did one heck of a lot of damage in our country. Oops. Well, I'll quit now.
