Thursday, January 6, 2011


Mozzicato is an Italian bakery on Franklin Avenue in Hartford.  They bake all sorts of wonderful cookies, cupcakes, cakes, etc.  The retail space is only one room.  It is busy most days and packed on weekends and holidays.

Take a look at Barcelona Daily Photo to see more food-related blogs as part of their Thursday's Food for Thought.


  1. It looks packed. Great to have local businesses like that.

  2. Now I could really go for that! Have you noticed that really good privately owned small bakeries are slowly becoming a thing of the past?!

  3. A perfect place to spend a day like today...and tomorrow....I can smell the bakery from here.
    Love it when smaller business (and baked goods) cause a continual shopping frenzy:)

  4. This is a store that I must stay away from! And I have a lot of will power. My problem is my "won't power"!

    I will eat goodies all day if I can! Not a good thing, though.

    And I'm sorry if I've offended your sense of righteousness by showing Mrs. Claus' real occupation. So what's wrong with pole dancing? And how do you even know what that is? Hmmm. Do they have pole dancing in Hartford? Hmmm.

    Now that I think about it, I'm not sorry, 'cause it seems to me that you know more about pole dancing than I do!

    All I know is that Santa lives at the North Pole so pole dancing for his missus is pretty much the thing to do.

    Okay, I'm going away now. Have a nice day! But if you need more first-hand experience re pole dancing, check out that place down on 5th street named ... oh, never mind!

  5. A great baker with a funny name: 'mozzicato' in Roman dialect means literally 'bitten'!

  6. What a busy charming bakery with the long lines and activity... They could hold their own with the hoity-toity pâtisseries of Paris, indeed!


  7. A long line in the bakery is always a good sign. Looks tasty!

  8. Those cookies look so good. There's nothing better than an Italian Bakery. Hopefully they are serving the community for years to come.

    Thanks for the well-wishes on the theater. It's a big work in progress, but the potential is there.

  9. They must be doing a good job to keep so many customers around, I'd love to taste it!
    God bless you!

  10. Is today FOOD theme day? It's everywhere .

  11. What ever that man is holding I'll take it with a half gallon of Vanilla ice cream.
