Monday, November 8, 2010

New Britain Museum of American Art

The New Britain Museum of American Art is a terrific small museum about 20 minutes west of Hartford.  The museum exhibits both traditional and contemporary American art.

This is an impressive painting commissioned by the museum from Graydon Parrish to commemorate the September 11, 2001 tragedy.  The painting was created in 2002 - 2006.

The twin blindfolded figures are Tragedy and Terror, screaming at heaven in despair.


  1. I had to enlarge this one to get a better look. What an interesting painting. I can see why there is a bench in front of it so you can sit and contemplate all the images.

  2. What a great place to visit. I am surprised that they let you take photographs. I have been in some museums that don't allow photographs.

  3. Do you have more to show us? Looks like a really interesting place!

  4. @Sharon: This painting really draws viewers in. At many museums, people seem to be "drive-by" viewers. Here, people stood in groups and talked or pointed out features. At many objects, not just this painting, although this painting did get a lot of attention.

    @Randy: NBMAA had a special exhibition on M. C. Escher when I was there, and that exhibition prohibited photography. The rest was OK.

    @Halcyon: There will be more. I think I will space it out.

    Thanks to all for your kind comments.

  5. I'd love to spend some of an afternoon in that museum!

  6. Came through CT yesterday afternoon. WHAT no traffic jams? It was clear sailing! Thanks! hahahaha

  7. It looks a very evocative painting. I like how you've included the people discussing the painting - makes it so much more than a record shot.

  8. Hi Jack. Thanks for your comments on my travel blog. I feel like my "better" photos are showcased there. :)

    Re time management skills: My husband often gets tired of my endless photo quests for my blogs. I am mainly thankful for the post-ahead feature on blogger. That has made blogging much easier for me! And a lot of our travel budget is also thanks to my hubs. He travels alot for his job and I tag along when I can. Then it's like paying half price since the company covers his part! :)

  9. The museum sounds exciting and this painting is super dramatic! And appropos!

    Did you make it to Florida and back already?

    We're flying home on the 17th so if you come through anytime after that, let me know!

  10. Thank you for sharing this photo and your text about what is obviously a special place. The painting is an emotional masterpiece.

  11. It is interesting to see a contemporary painting in classical style. I think Graydon Parrish is what they call a New Old Master.

  12. Bonjour dear Jack,
    I would love to visit there!
    Dramatic painting and thanks so much for explaining about the exhibition and this picture.
    Have a nice Tuesday
