Sunday, November 21, 2010

Lieutenant River

I visited the Florence Griswold Museum in Old Lyme the last week in October.  The starting point for the museum is the original house, which I showed in early November.  There are a variety of outbuildings and a large new building for exhibitions.

But, what drew the artists of the Lyme Art Colony to live and paint at Miss Griswold's house was Old Lyme's natural and unspoiled beauty, including the house's glorious setting amidst the marshes of the Lieutenant River, a tributary of the Connecticut River.

This photograph is taken from the back of the Griswold property.


  1. There is a lot of potential here for the artistic mind!

  2. Nice autumn image... and so many think of the area as just buildings.

  3. I can see why they congregated there. That could be a painting.

  4. Lovely! I still appears to be unspoiled. :)

  5. Now that, Jack, my friend, is about the perfect autumnal shot! Great work! Hope you're enjoying life these days!

    Our daughter is recovering well. We're home (thank goodness!) and I even played golf this morning! All is well!

  6. Very nice shot and a great New England view.

  7. A perfect fall view. Love the colors!
