Saturday, December 7, 2024

Hugh and Pam

I like talking with strangers.  Hugh and Pam walked past me wearing identical shirts.  I called out, "Who decides the color you are going to wear each day?'  They stopped and we talked.  Hugh and Pam are originally from Jamaica, have been in the States since 1990 and today are proudly U.S. citizens.  Both work in hospital administrative jobs.  Pam is introverted but Hugh is an extreme extrovert.


As I often do before or after taking a photograph, I said, "Tell me about yourselves."  Well!  I can tell you every place they have lived.  Everything about their four sons and many grandchildren.  (The first and last grandchildren are girls and the ones in the middle are boys, born April 1, May 2 and June 3 and they hope for another to be born on July 4.)  Such a nice couple.  Thanks for stopping.


  1. You obviously put people at ease before making a portrait photo. They look like happy, interesting people.

  2. Nice encounter, and a fine portrait.
