Monday, September 11, 2023

September 11

 I will never forget how September 11, 2001, began as one of those rare, perfect, late summer days.  Cloudless, rich blue skies.  Comfortable temperature.

Someone peeked into my office and said a plane had crashed into a World Trade Center building.

Must be a small Piper Cub, I thought.  Turned on the television.

No.  Our world changed that day. Never forget.

From the archives of June 27, 2014.


  1. I was at work in London, mid afternoon, an American company. I went for a coffee in the office kitchen, wondering why the BBC was showing a catastrophe movie on the kitchen TV, the BBC being a news channel... And then everything stopped, all incoming calls from the US and elsewhere stopped: the entire world was watching the same... "movie".

  2. Rob, that is quite a memory. The day JFK was assassinated and September 11 stand out as the two days when everyone of my generation remembers exactly where they were and what they were doing.

  3. Around lunch over here. I was working in our greenhouses with ny parents and my brother. After lunch we would always watch Sky News, or CNN for a bit, and on this day we stayed in front of the TV for the rest of the day.

  4. No, we will never forget that terrible day. I was just on my way to my office when I heard the news and turned on the TV in time to see the second plane hit the towers. Thank you for your post.
