Friday, July 7, 2023

Wacky Canoe Races

 The wacky canoe races on Thursday morning are one of the best traditions here.  My own days in a canoe for wacky canoe races are behind me.  Now I just stand on a dock and aim my camera.

The races start with an ordinary forward race to get the contestants warmed up.  It is crowded,  competitive, and "land sharks" pour water on the contestants.

Then, it is time to paddle forward to the raft, then paddle backward to the starting line.

In the next race, when the horn sounds everyone must change places with another paddler.

Next race, jump out of the canoe when the horn sounds, then get back in and finish the race.

In this race, when the horn sounds, put the paddles down and paddle only with your arms.

In the gunwhaling race, the paddles are down, one paddler rocks the canoe from the rear seat and the front paddler paddles with his arms. 

The races end with everyone jumping out, capsizing the canoes, then tugging them across the finish line.

Everyone gets a ribbon, and everyone deserves one.


  1. Quite an event to watch.....safely from the shore!

  2. I can just imagine the laughter, shouts, and splash sounds of this activity. Super!

  3. I can see the main point is not winning this race, but just having fun.

  4. Oh my gosh, that looks like great summertime fun!

  5. I can see why you stay on the dock, Jack.
