Friday, June 23, 2023

More Musicians


At Wednesday's Make Music Day, Maggie Seligman and a friend performed in D. Colabella Fine Art Gallery on Main Street.  Her music includes American and Celtic traditional songs, composed folk, Americana and roots music, and jazz standards.

The Peterman Project might have drawn the toughest location for their set.  No room on the narrow sidewalk for fans.  A busy Main Street spot near street lights, where big trucks squeal as they accelerate.  Too bad.  They performed soft rock classics while I was listening.

AKA Nora (also shown yesterday) changed from her Disney princess dress to sing in front of Town Hall.

I looked forward to listening to Mark Cupkovic on the solo cello at RPAC Gallery.  Regrettably, his selections weren't the kind of classical pieces I expected, so I sneaked out fairly soon.

The lawn of Ridgefield Library held a small crowd.


  1. You are so lucky to be able to hear all this live music. Too bad about the cello solo.
