Thursday, June 15, 2023


 Mezquita -- the Great Mosque of Cordoba -- now known as the Mosque Cathedral of Cordoba is every bit as huge and impressive as its reputation suggests.

It fills the skyline and is reached from an old Roman bridge.

The mosque parts were constructed in four waves,  The red and "white" (really beige or tan) arches above high columns are what most visitors remember.

There are also later arch and columns styles.

I had read that a Catholic cathedral had been built into the middle of the mosque.  But, what struck me most -- aside from its sheer size and grandeur  -- is that the cathedral elements are integrated into many parts of the mosque, so that a visitor often sees both Islamic and Catholic features at the same time.

The cathedral elements are also quite spectacular, though their placement within a mosque almost keeps one from focusing on them.


  1. The Mosque-Cathedral are most impressive. The two architectural styles fit together surprisingly well. I am always surprised at how much Roman architure remains in use in Spain. Great shot of the bridge.
