Sunday, June 11, 2023


 In Andalucia for a week, staying in the centrally located town of Antequera and taking day trips to better known towns like Seville, Granada and Cordoba.  I was here last summer on a trip to Portugal and Spain but caught Covid as we left Portugal and entered Spain, so I saw little more than hotel rooms.  

Hoping for better luck this year.

The view from the highest point in Antequera is pretty, looking over white buildings to the next hill.

Like so many European towns, people in Antequera beautify their simple homes with a bit of color and life in the window.

We visited a museum about the 6,000 year old dolmens and then visited two of them.  Not surprisingly, I was too tall to go inside.  On to Granada and the Alhambra tomorrow.


  1. Hope you stay healthy for this trip! Loved seeing the books under the flower why do you think they did that?

  2. I have always enjoyed being in Spain, and your photos are a treat for the eye. Looking forward to seeing more.
