Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Pepper Ranch Preserve I

 This 2500 acre ranch and preserve is an hour east of Naples in Immokalee, near Lake Trafford.  I was hoping to see a caracara, but I did not.  The dry season in southwest Florida has been VERY dry, so there was less bird life than I expected.  I need to go back next Fall or Winter, after the summer rains.

Still, I did see some wildlife.  There were a few black vultures.

And many, many crows.

There were some sandhill cranes.  Young colts like this one are brownish; adults are gray.

White-tailed deer stood and stared at me whenever I came upon them.  I suppose that is fair, since I was staring at them.  With a big camera.

A limpkin hung out near the water.

And several turkey vultures circled.  One perched in a nearby tree before leaving the scene.


  1. Seeing the crane would make it a worthwhile trip.

  2. Jack your wildlife shots are terrific. We have a flock of Turkey Vultures, but no Black Vultures. Best of luck finding a Caracara.

  3. Some great wildlife photos here. Well worth the trip.
