Tuesday, January 31, 2023

More Recent Birds

Here are some more from my neighborhood.

A pair of black vultures are on the clean-up crew.

Juvenile roseate spoonbills can be identified by their light pink colors and the fuzz that goes up their necks and heads all the way to their eyes.

A female anhinga flew past.  Females have brown necks, males are black.

Green herons can lift their lift their crests for a punk look or lower it for a sleek profile.

A white egret lifts its flaps to come in for a landing.


  1. You have great neighbours, Jack.

  2. I see the same clean-up crew here in San Antonio. More wonderful bird photos. Our Green Herons must be vacationing in Florida. The Anhingas never fly as far north as SD.

  3. Beautiful bird shots and I have been enjoying them on FB, too.
