Saturday, October 15, 2022

Danbury State Fair

 The Danbury State Fair was a big deal for more that a century, but by 1981 it had run its course.  The land had become more valuable than the fair.  The owner sold the property as the site for a huge regional shopping mall, the Danbury Fair Mall.

A couple who live in Ridgebury, the northern part of Ridgefield closest to the site of the old fair, are collectors.  And maybe fanatics.  They have stuffed Danbury State Fair memorabilia into every corner of their garage.  It is open for viewing in October every year.


  1. What amazing dolls...I do wonder what they were used for at a fair!

  2. How wonderful that they let people come to see these treasures, Jack.

  3. Sorry about the loss of the fair, but times do change. I see what you mean about the collectors being fanatics. Good you could visit this collection.
