Monday, September 12, 2022

My Dad Is . . .

A Connecticut Department of Children and Families building in Hartford has a nice mural by local artist Corey Pane.  The mural -- "My dad is . . . " -- shows a father braiding the hair of his very happy daughter.

Linked to Monday Mural.


  1. What an adorable mural Jack. I also like the other side with the pink pony and the rainbow.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals.

  2. Great mural! I like your little note on snow birds... I explored the topic a few years ago and beyond the Florida retirees, I came up with snow bunting, snow goose, Himalayan snow cock, snowy egret, snowy owl, and the dark-eyed junco that's often called a snowbird.

    best... mae at

  3. What a fine mural showing these people enjoying each other's company. Makes the building inviting.

  4. I really like how the dad is fixing his daughter's hair and it's colourful

  5. It's a family affair! Wonderful mural and nice way to show a father's love for his children. Cute rainbow and unicorn on the other side, too.
