Friday, July 22, 2022

Around the Yard

A pair of Eastern tiger swallowtail butterflies began flitting around the garden yesterday.  Welcome back!

Monarch butterflies are starting to appear.  They particularly like Joe Pye weed.

And echinacea (coneflower) is good, too.

I think this is a skimmer dragonfly, but I am willing to be corrected.

A damselfly landed on an unknown-to-me bush.

Bumble bees flit from one plant to another.  They are everywhere!


  1. It is good that you have a lot of bees. The poor things are in trouble. Love your butterfly portraits, Jack.

  2. Lovely to see the pollinators at work. Our state is a natural habitat for coneflowers. I am always happy to see butterflies. They are an indication of a healthy environment.

  3. Fantastic photos! I do love flowers, butterflies and bees!

  4. Some good shots in there, bees are always too quick for me
