Thursday, May 12, 2022


 One of the good things about a New England spring is how it repeats itself from year to year.

I love the way pieris sends out its new leaves in bronze. 

Most daffodils are dying now in southwest Connecticut.  This clump is still happy and healthy.

This field of yellow daffodils was amazing a week ago.

Familiar purple lilacs (syringa) are opening up for their fragrant display.

And less common white lilacs down the road look great paired with a neighboring purple lilac bush.

I see white magnolias often, especially down south.  A yellow magnolia tree stopped me in my tracks.


  1. These are great shots of lovely flowers!

  2. I saw a yellow Magnolia this week too and was surprised. Spring is wonderful.

  3. Beautiful. My parents had a lilac tree in their garden, so fragrant. We don't seem to see them so much here these days. I think they went out of fashion!

  4. I love the rebirth of spring every year, and it has finally started here. My lilac bushes have tiny green leaves now, and might bloom in a few weeks. I also mowed half the lawn today, another sign of spring.

  5. I recognize all of those, so pretty
