Thursday, January 13, 2022

Got it!

 A great egret stood still but attentive.  Splash!  He suddenly thrust his neck and head hard into the water.

Success.  A few seconds later the egret maneuvered the fish into position and swallowed it whole.

No time to rest.  He slowly turned and began searching for his next morsel.


  1. It's always very special to be able to capture this kind of action. The picture is clear enough that a fish biologist could identify the egret's snack!

  2. I always wonder if they have a sensation inside while the fish flutters around before being digested. I guess it's satisfying for the bird!

  3. Lucky for the bird. Not so for the fish.

  4. Jack, you must have focused on this Egret to get this wonderful photo. That's quite an impressive spear.

  5. Looks like he's barely got hold of it. It is an impressive photo....
